Back in 1984 when Americans had to pay 30 to 40 cents per minute for domestic long distance call, while AT&T's employees had free breakfast and CEO enjoy huge salary and bonus. DOJ eventually proved that AT&T violate Anti Trust Law and broke up the company into 8 companies. Thereafter, long distance call cost drop and innovative technologies invented by smaller competing telephone companies, and today the cost drop to less than 1 cent per minute.
I believe DOJ may find Oil Companies have seriously violated Anti Trust Law and when they are broken up into several smaller competing companies, the gas price will then drop down to affordable level, and innovative energy solutions will then be quickly invited and invested by small competitors. For example, DOJ should not let oil companies doing gas refinery to run gas stations. All ExxonMobil gas stations should not be own by ExxonMobile, and so on.
Any patriotic and concerned citizens should file report to Department of Justice and forward this message to all.
Subject RE: DOJ should investigate Anti Trust Law violation of major Oil Companies in the US.
From ATR-OPS Citizen Complaint Center < >
Date Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:38 am
Dear Concerned Citizen:
Thank you for contacting the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice with your concerns regarding oil companies in the US. The Citizen Complaint Center will review your complaint, and if there are any potential antitrust concerns or violations we will forward it to the appropriate legal staff for further review. We have your information on file and should the legal staff need further information, they may contact you in the future. If you have not done so already, you may also wish to contact the Department of Energy's gas watch:
We appreciate your interest in the enforcement of federal antitrust laws.
Citizen Complaint Center
Antitrust Divison
Department Of Justice